Anthurium Hybrid: Anthurium Copper Cherry

Red Beauty hybrid x (Zara x Michelle)

#Anthuriumcoppercherry is the Batch ID I assigned to the crossing of my Anthurium Red Beauty hybrid and my Anthurium Zara x Michelle. You can find more photos and videos of this hybrid by searching this hashtag on Instagram and Tiktok.

Four distinct Anthurium Copper Cherry Plants. This hybrid produces such a wide array or colors like the mother plant (Red Beauty Hybrid).


Emergent leaves on Copper Cherry seedlings; you can see why I named this batch Copper Cherry!


Top Row: Seed Parent Anthurium Red Beauty Hybrid (mislabelled by the nursery as Anthurium Moodeanum as Moodeanums most often are)

Bottom Row: Pollen Donor Anthurium “Zara x Michelle” by Doc Block


4 Things to do after buying a new anthurium


Anthurium Hybrid: “Red Crystal blush”