Beneficial mites can be used to eat spider mites, thrip larvae AND fungus gnat larvae in the soil!
After four years of swearing off beneficial insects (because why add MORE creepy crawlers to your home when you're trying to get RID of them) I have finally caved. Five years of seriously collecting plants has taught me that houseplants have insects on them and under them regardless, most of them you just cannot see without a magnifying you may as well add beneficial ones to kill pests like in the wild.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em - actually have a party and sprinkle them all over the fucking place.
I initially wanted to use lacewing larvae since they are king of the beneficial insect kingdom and eat all the things you would want them to- but I didn't want anything that could eventually fly (I'm just not there yet you guys and that may or may not cost me my marriage) so I go with teeny tiny predator mites. I like that most of them are red so that I can easily identify them apart from soil mites. Most of them also work with my humidity range which is super important if you want them to stay alive to eat bad bugs. Watch the video to learn more!