Anthurium Hybrid: Red Crystallinum (NSE Tropicals Line) x Luxurians
This is by far one of the most magnificent Anthuriums I’ve ever laid eyes on. I created this Anthurium hybrid with my friend and Chicago hybridizer Amanda, known on Instagram as @_Bunnyyy____ . The Red Crystallinum was my mother plant, aka the “seed parent.” Her plant, the Anthurium Luxurians was the pollen donor. Below is a thorough description of the hybrid.
Leaf Texure:
· This hybrid has bullate (quilted) leaves like the Luxurians, but slightly less pronounced than the Luxurians.
· The leaf texure on the adaxial (upper side) is soft and slightly velvety (aka “sub-velvet”).
Leaf Color:
· Emerging leaf colors vary depending on the seedling.
o Most have a dark brownish /orangey/ reddish / burnt sienna color.
o A few have a deep cherry red emergent leaf.
o All leaves end up maturing to a similar dark iridescent green color
· The vein color on the emergent leaves varies as well from deep red to light pink and as the leaf matures, the veins change to light green as on the Luxurians.
· The leaf abaxial (bottom side) displays prominent red veins.
· The petioles are quadrangular (four sided) like the Luxurians.